Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw

Republic of Poland

Faculty of Archaeology

University of Warsaw

The Faculty of Archaeology is the largest academic institution of its kind in Poland and one of the largest in the world. It is divided into 17 Departments and 7 Laboratories. It has a staff of ca. 100 researchers, lecturers, technicians and administration staff. The Faculty offers instruction in most branches of modern archaeology and related sciences to over 1500 students from different areas of study. Currently, the Faculty of Archaeology UW is located in the historic building of the Warsaw Main School (1862-1869) – one of the finest buildings on the main campus of the University in the city center.

Since 1995 the Faculty of Archaeology hosts lectures and classes related to public archaeology, education and popularisation of archaeology and since 2000, the course of museum education, popularization of archaeology, and heritage management is compulsory for all students.

Time to time, the at the faculty classes of various leitmotif are conducted (i.a. Modern trends in museum expositions; Experimental archaeology; Media and archaeology, etc.). Faculty of archaeology organizes conferences creating a platform for archaeologists, non-professionals, and local governments and releases archaeological journal – ArcheoUW. In addition it offers educational platform for children and youth – such as archeo-club, archeo-kids website, educational worksheets, and virtual animations and movies. Moreover it is involved in organization of one of the largest open-air archaeological festivals – Archeological Festival in Biskupin, and smaller events in Krzemionki, Warsaw and abroad, for example in Berlin (Germany). It is also involved in cooperation with museums and local governments. The engagement of students is also visible through frequent associations with student clubs, such as the experimental archaeology club and many others. There are numerous excavations in Poland and abroad conducted on behalf of the faculty.

Roksana Chowaniec

Professor / Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw

A member of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw since 1999, Professor Chowaniec became associate professor in 2008, and habilitated professor at the Faculty of History in 2018. She was appointed the Dean of Department of History representative for EU funding in 2006-2007, and serves as expert for the evaluation of exhibitions at the Copernicus Science Center (Interactive science museum) in Warsaw.

Her current research topics are twofold: Roman Sicily and its role in Roman Empire (pertaining to the strategic value of the island, the role of the Greek colonies in the Roman context, agriculture and ownership of the land); and the cognitive studies of the education in archaeological heritage, strategies of education as well as methods of teaching cultural heritage to the general public – with a particular emphasis on pedagogical teaching strategies linked with archaeological heritage. She is a member of the Association for Environmental Archaeology, the Committee of Mediterranean Archaeology of the Polish Academy of Science, the European Association of Archaeologists, the Association SiciliAntica, Italy. She was involved in several European projects to help reform and enhance the graduate programme in archaeology. She currently leads the Archaeological Mission in Sicily, and is the author of several articles and five books on ancient Sicily, as well as four others on archaeological heritage, education, and popularisation. She has cooperated with and published materials from excavations in the Greek colony of Tanais, Russia, and the Roman military camp in Novae, Bulgaria.

Tomasz Więcek, PhD

Researcher / Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw

Dr Tomasz Więcek is a researcher, specialized in numismatics. A graduate of the University of Warsaw, his PhD research focused on the golden imitations of ancient coins in Barbaricum. His major field of interests are the Empire-Barbaricum relations through coin finds analysis, Polish numismatic collections, and the production and circulation of coins in Eastern Sicily. He works with several private and public numismatic organizations, and is involved in field projects in Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Sicily

Ireneusz Jakubczyk, PhD

Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw


Currently working at the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, Ireneusz Jakubczyk received his MA thesis in Archaeology at University of Łódź, with a thesis focused on brooches with inverted foot of the Przeworsk culture. His main research interests include Roman archaeology, migration periods, and Roman-Barbaricum contacts. He took part in “The early medieval cemetery in Almalyk-Dere at the foot of the Mangup in southwest Crimea” project, funded by the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. He was the principal investigator for two National Science Center grants: ”Roman imports in central Poland” and “Almgren group VI brooches in the Przeworsk culture”. He was also a co-investigator for two grants: ”Studies on the cemeteries from the central European Barbaricum”, and “Opatów, district Kłobuck, a settlement from late Roman period”. He is involved in excavations in Akrai, Sicily, since 2017.

Aleksandra Konrad, MA


After studying Chinese Language and Literature at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in China, she received her MA in Archaeology from the University of Warsaw, with a thesis focusing on the terracotta finds from Akrai. She is involved in the excavations in Akrai since 2015. During her studies at the Faculty of Archaeology, she took part in field excavation projects in Montenegro, Armenia and Poland, and was elected Head of the Archaeology Students Council and a member of University Student Parliament. She is the recipient of a scholarship from the Foundation of the Institute of Archaeology, and was part of the EU-funded project INNOVARCH for Public Archaeology.


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