Promotion and dissemination of project results

WP leader: Institute of Archaeology

Specific objectives:
1) to raise awareness on the project scope and activities;
2) to disseminate all project results and outcomes and extend the impacts of the project;
3) to engage stakeholders and consolidate the existing networks;
4) to ensure the sustainability of the project.

The project consortium considers dissemination an essential part of any European project. Within TRAME, the main goals of dissemination activities are:

  • to raise awareness about the project scope and activities;
  • to disseminate all project results and outcomes and extend the impacts of the project;
  • to engage stakeholders and consolidate the existing networks;
  • to ensure the sustainability of the project.

The dissemination activities of TRAME are included in a specific Work Package (WP2) that will start from the very beginning of the project and will last until the last day of the project lifetime. A detailed Dissemination Plan will be presented during the kick-off meeting in Italy by the dissemination leader Arheoloski Institut to the rest of the partners and will be eventually discussed for further improvement. According to the dissemination plan, each specific dissemination activity is addressed to a specific target group and each partner is responsible to identify and reach out stakeholders within their own country at local, regional and national level. The planned multiplier events will be an important opportunity for promoting and disseminating the TRAME Manual for teachers and educators (O1), involving a huge number of stakeholders. The partner meetings will also be used to discuss how to update and improve the dissemination plan activities and possibly modify the activities previously scheduled according to the results obtained and evolution of the scenario.

The partnership will disseminate the project results and outcomes to all relevant stakeholders both at national and international level, including direct and indirect beneficiaries. The access to huge networks of organisations at national and European level in which all partners are involved will allow the achievement of ambitious goals in terms of dissemination results, as following described. In particular, the project’s dissemination will address several target groups and the most appropriate communication tools will be selected to reach out and engage each one of them. In particular:

  • Regional, national, EU public authorities in charge of education and cultural policies (DG Education and Culture of the European Commission), Ministries of Culture, public bodies related to management and promotion of heritage and archaeological sites, granting organizations, national/EU sectorial networks will be reached mainly through press releases, invitation to the project events, newsletters, direct contacts, official communication channels normally used by partners.
  • Networks of schools at national level, universities and VET providers, parents’ associations will be reached mainly through direct contact of partners involved in adult education, online dissemination, emailing campaigns; newsletters; participation to extra-project seminars and conferences.
  • Archaeological sites, associations and NGOs active in the field of cultural heritage, public libraries, labour market actors and other organisations active in the promotion and management of heritage sites at regional, national and international level will be reached mainly through: direct contacts of the partners; online dissemination; emailing campaigns; word of mouth.
  • At regional and national level, professionals working in the field of cultural heritage, archaeologists, tourist guides will be mainly addressed by the overall communication of the project (website, newsletters, multiplier events).
  • Recent graduates and VET students in the field of cultural heritage management at regional and local level will be mainly addressed through direct contacts and online communication tools (website, social networks, project newsletter, etc.).
  • The general public (with a particular attention to selected targeted audiences) will be specifically addressed by local communication campaigns (press and radio in primis).

• Both generalist and sectorial press and media has also to be considered a transversal stakeholder to be involved during the overall length of the project.

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