Multiplier Event Details E2

Event Title

Millennials and cultural heritage: digitalization as communication and interpretation strategy

Country of Venue


Start Date


End Date


Leading Organisation


The multiplier event will be organized in Belgrade with the following objectives:

– To present to TRAME Manual for teachers and educators and trigger further discussion on the evolution of heritage management

– To define and introduce the target group millennials to the professional-heritage public through the presentation of the project works produced during the piloting phase

– To define digitalization as main method of communication and tool in heritage interpretation toward the target group

– To propose possible strategies for its successful implementation into the heritage presentation

– To involve other stakeholders into the dialog between the heritage and youth

The multiplier event will be organised by the end of the exchange of pupils coming from partners’ countries, so that they will have the opportunity to participate and present their project works as storytelling related to the archaological sites they have been studying. The event is dedicated to young generation widely known as millennials (with special focus on the generation Z – young millennials). Other target groups which will be involved are cultural and touristic operators, teachers, NGOs and institutions dealing with cultural management and students associations. Event will be promoted on social networks and will be held in some space common to young population, where they can feel comfortable to talk and express their notions on cultural heritage (café, gallery or some multifunctional cultural space that combine the atmosphere of club and underground artistic venue). The purpose of this approach is not to effect on the model of their behavior by position them to talk on heritage in the museum or heritage place. The multiplier event will be open to public and will directly involve at least 35 people from mentioned target groups, while the general public will be invited to participate in the section questions and answers.

The event will have three stages:

1) millennials will be invited to prepare a short presentation (visual or oral) on the topic and present it to the public and project partners;

2) consortium will present the main objectives, outputs and expected results of the project with special focus on the involvement of youngsters;

3) roundtable with the discussion on two presentations, by millennials and by partners, here general public will take its participation;

4) millennials will share workshop outputs and results online.

Overall objective is to provide an opportunity to close up meeting of cultural sector, specifically cultural heritage management and young generation, specifically millennials as characteristic social group. In the first part of the workshop professional and general public will have a chance to get an insight of how young people understand the heritage (owing to short prepared presentations). These presentations will be based on their own creation, which could be designed by using literature or internet data, without any intervention by professionals. In such a way culture and heritage professionals will hear directly form target group their notions, ideas and thinking on reception and appreciation of cultural heritage. In the second stage heritage and education professionals from the project consortium will present their prospective on youngster inclusion into the cultural heritage, possibilities of digitalization as modern communication and education tool, as well as prospective on future of dialogue between heritage and millennials.

In the third phase at the round table open discussion should lead toward the productive interaction between heritage professionals and millennials, as well as all other invited target groups and stakeholders. Questions which will be raised should have define millennials as psychologically and sociologically specific group, which in 20 years from now will be the future working force, and in such a way they will be main consumers of cultural heritage. This workshop should define their needs, habits and expectations dealing with the cultural heritage presentation.

Other target groups participant will cover different aspects of the dialogue between the millennials and heritage sites, from education, tourism, branding, marketing, communication, etc. As the main method in communication with this target group and as the tool with huge potential and impact on the cultural heritage interpretation and presentation, digitalization will be discussed by the most relevant professionals and most important target groups.

In addition, the fourth stage of the workshop is planned for the period after the workshop ends. That means that millennials who participated the workshop will be asked to share their experience of the workshop results on social networks by using all possible open channels. Since it will be possible to measure by number of views and likes, we will have some quantity data on workshop success.

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