Multiplier Event Details E1

Event Title

Making heritage inclusive and sustainable: the TRAME experience in multicultural learning

Country of Venue


Start Date


End Date


Leading Organisation


The multiplier event will be organised in the University of Warsaw in the form of conference, addressing the diverse target groups involved directly or indirectly in the project (teachers,

curators, NGOs, national institutions related to the heritage, local agents, etc.). The multiplier event will be open to all kind of participants and will be subjected to specific promotion

campaigns to encourage the participation of the various stakeholder.

The event will be divided in two parts:

1) presentation of project outputs;

2) a roundtable with the participation of the experts and other academic and non-academic stakeholders in the field.

The first part will be focused on sharing and presenting experiences and methodologies developed throughout the project, to elaborate guidelines and training proposals for inclusive heritage. Short movies (8-10 minutes) about inclusive and sustainable heritage projects implemented by the partners will be presented for sharing during the conference. This meeting is also necessary to better understand the public needs. The TRAME project is focused on the specific groups and through the project outputs will try to assume and assess the way these target groups understand the heritage (e.g. questionnaires at a heritage site), with the idea to broaden the perception of heritage over national history as learned in schools.

The multiplier even will be addressed to the issue of wider access to the culture heritage, and richer experiences of heritage for everyone through the proposed topics related to the culture heritage, interactive learning and sensory engagement. Mention also must be made of the innovative and digital access to cultural heritage. The main idea is to discuss how to break and remove any barriers in tangible and intangible culture heritage’ access and learning. This is to create patterns for democratic participation in the common culture heritage. It is important to realise that heritage can help explore many important issues affecting the modern world, among others diseases, migrations, multiculturalism, diversity, but also unity, cooperation, common roots, common European foundations.

In the context of heritage sites, it also raises the issue of inclusive tourism. The meeting is also to bring various ways of learning about heritage to the local community, local NGOs, teachers, curators, etc.

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