Deliverable: Online project website launched and functioning.

Youth engagement and their practical learning as TRAME aims were the focus of the first project task. In the first month of the project duration the first dissemination task involved creativity and intelligence of the pupils from School of Design, instructed and supported by the WP2 coordinator, Institute of Archaeology. The first workshop was held on October 7th in the School of design where pupils were introduced to the TRAME aims, objectives, as well as possibilities of their participation and tasks.
They were asked to participate in the competition for the best TRAME logo design. In a very short period 13 pupils delivered more than 50 logo designs solutions for which partners have voted.
 The best TRAME logo was selected and the winner was Nađa Vincilov, 3rd grade pupil from the textile department.
All participants and the winner were awarded by the official TRAME certificate.
Nađa’s logo is used as an light motive and inspiration for the creation of TRAME website.
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