Research of best practices at national level

KÖME – Association of Cultural Heritage Managers from Hungary – coordinator of the O1-TRAME Manual has evaluated the best practice research. Best practice examples are coming from Turkey, Serbia, Italy, Hungary and Poland.

Best practices provide many examples of interactive and experiential methods of protecting and interpreting cultural heritage that can be used to effectively involve the high school age group.

Of 23 best practices, 6 projects started from schools, most of them were initiated by museums / archaeological site/park/visitor center or archives, but there were also several cooperations where these were initiated individually, by a teacher or heritage expert.

Projects are most often implemented during teaching time, while during summer, the institutions usually run programs in the form of thematic camps.

Storytelling mostly appears in interviews as stories that present the historical, cultural, archaeological, etc. values of a given site.

There were various responses to the thematic focus, but for the most part they underlined the main theme of the educational program: the presentation of a given cultural heritage monument, its history, historical eras, everyday life, culture, all the while strengthening local or European identity or preserving universal human values such as acceptance and cultural diversity.



  • Capacity Building Project for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (KORU) – Project host: The Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (KMKD)
  • Eti Çekül Cultural Ambassadors – Project host: Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage (ÇEKÜL) and Eti Company
  • Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts – Project host: CoHere


  • DesigNet – Design Schools Network (supported by CEI Cooperation Fund); International exchange – Project host: School of Design Belgrade
  • Belgrade Culture – Beo Cool City Tour – Project host: Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade
  • The Avars in Sirmium – Project host: Museum of Srem
  • The School of Virtual Archeology – Project host: Institute of Archaeology, Viminacium Archaeological Park
  • Journey to the Beginnings – Project host: Archaeological Site Lepenski Vir
  • Defixiones;School project – Project host: Požarevac Gymnasium / Archaeological park Viminacium (collaboration); Special guests in the final stage of the project: attendees of the Latin Summer School Collegium Carolivicanum


  • STEM (acronym for Science, Technology, Energizing Modernisation also meaning Science teaching Engineering Mathematics all together) 2018 – Project host: Ministry of Education, European Community
  • Albertelli Chorus – Project host: Liceo classico Pilo Albertelli
  • Cultural Exchange Vasaskola – Project host: Liceo classico Pilo Albertelli in Rome and The Vasa Secondary High School in Gavle (Sweden)
  • Storie greche dal mondo antico (Greek stories from Ancient World) 2018-2020 – Project host: La Sapienza, University of Rome
  • “Mare nostrum” 2017-2018, “Occhio invisibile” 2018-2019 – Project host: Liceo classico Pilo Albertelli
  • Foot or Root / Dialoghi sulle Migrazioni – Project host: Mu.MA Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni
  • Lightnings of Albertelli (lightnings as famous people from Pilo Albertelli High School, and at the same time lightnings as flashes of movies) – Project host: MIUR – Ministry of Education, MiC – Ministry of Cultural Heritage
  • Migrazioni Sud Sud – Project host: Archivio di Stato di Palermo


  • Irregular History Pécs – Project host: The Early Christian Mauzoleum of Pécs (Sopianae)
  • School Community Service/ School subject and barkochba – Project host: Museum of Ethnography
  • School Community Service (SCS) – Project host: Petőfi Literary Museum (PIM)
  • We’re shopping – Exhibition by secondary school students at the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism – Project host: Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (MKVM)
  • PÉCS8 – Project host: PÉCS8


  • Archaeological Festival – Project host: Archaeological Museum in Biskupin

Archaeological Museum in Biskupin Muzeum Archeologiczne w Biskupinie is an open-air museum, presenting various archaeological settlements from Paleolithic period to the Middle Ages. Certainly, the most famous is an Early Iron Age fortified settlement, placed on a peninsula of Lake Biskupin.

The site is home to the annual Archaeological festival and each edition has a different theme, dealing with important topics, such as “Men and environment in the past”, “Between us Barbarians”, “Women and men in the past”, gender archaeology, “Great discoveries and inventions”, etc. The festival offers a wide variety of educational activities, including almost a 100 interactive workshops per day (eg. pottery making, bead making, coins striking, etc.); museum lessons; educational worksheets; exhibitions; interactive performances; presentations of re-enactments; experimental learning through various activities; competitions for small groups set up by performers; guided tours of the archaeological reserve; concerts and multimedia tools (QRcodes, animations, app on mobiles, etc.). Many foreign re-enactors participated in the festival, so the festival had special days focused on a particular culture, for example British days, Lithuanian Days, Egyptian Days, Hungarian Days, North Native Americans Days, etc.

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